
Thursday, April 28, 2011


This one’s based on a nightmare/dream i had a couple of nights back. Don’t really know what it was all about. I’m trying to draw what i remember. Something to do with islands and curses and tragedy.

Calypso was a sea nymph in Greek Mythology. Also known as Atlantis, she was the daughter of the Titan, Atlas. Her mother was Tethys. Calypso was confined to the island of Ogygia for supporting her father and the Titans during the Titanomachy. She is remembered for her role in Homer’s Odessey in which she imprisons the fabled hero Odysseus on her island in order to make him her immortal husband. Calypso kept Odysseus hostage at Calypso Island for seven years. Athena asks Zeys to spare Odysseus of his torment on the island, as he wants to return home to see his beloved wife, Penelope. Zeus compels Calypso to release Odysseus, and she attempts suicide, but she is thwarted by her own immortality.

So i guess this was what my nightmare/ dream was about. The painting itself gave me nightmares. I’d never done a painting this…huge before. Neither have i ever done a landscape thing. I guess i learned a little about drawing rocks and water. Love and tragedy and greek mythology…happy Valentines.

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