
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Animation Test

A quick animation test i did.

Sketch 260411

Pencils, watercolor and acrylics. Brightened and leveled out in ps. Jigoku no shoujo.

Sketch 160411

juhk-stuh-puh-zish-uh n

Inks, pencils and a broken scanner.

Sketch 140411

Daily sketch from my one of my growing number of sketchbooks. Pencils and a really bad scanner. There’s been lots of talk about the new show and how fans are divided about the look of her new costume. I’d like to see the more Amazonian side of her.

Elly's Birthday Sketch

Started this one last October. It looks unfinished. It is unfinished. It’ll stay that way. I love how it looks actually.

Sketch 070211

More sketches from my sketchbooks. Quick Watercolors. More concerned about line than tone. That’ll change.

Ganbare Japan

My heart goes out to Japan.

Sketch 060211

A doodle a day. Older stuff from my sketchbook. Pencils and acrylics.

Sketch 030311

One from my sketchbook.

Quick Head Shots

Bull Rancor

Mixed media watercolors.


Mixed media watercolors.


Ivy Rises

Jedi Sketch

Sketch 130111

Environment Sketch 100111

Sketch 080111

Environment Sketch 060111

Environment Sketch 040111

Environment Sketch 010111

Baby Doll Sketch

Watercolor Sketch 161210

Watercolor Sketch 151210

Watercolor Sketch 141210